Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect when I get started with RESET?

You can expect quality time and attention to address your child’s health concerns. Once we have received a referral from your physician, you will be expected to fill out a lifestyle-focused questionnaire sent through a secure online portal by our clinic. This will provide important data for our team ahead of your child’s visit to help better address their health concerns. 

Depending on the nature of the concern, you will typically be seen by our pediatrician. After the initial assessment, lab tests may be ordered and, if other members of the Care Team need to be involved, this will be decided at that time.

Regardless of your child’s health concern, we will put together a complete care and follow-up plan by the end of your first visit. Because we focus on lifestyle interventions, your child will likely benefit from seeing multiple members of our Care Team.  

Where are you located?

To be as accessible and convenient as possible, we are doing all of our visits over our telemedicine platform. This means that all visits are virtual. If any team member feels that an in-person meeting is needed for any reason, we will work together to schedule an in-person appointment for you and your child.

What are the costs to my family? Is the care provided by RESET Pediatrics Lifestyle medicine covered by OHIP?

With a referral, any care provided by one of our medical doctors (for example our pediatrician) to Canadian citizens and permanent residents is covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). This includes virtual visits done through our telemedicine platform. Most lab tests, when ordered by a physician, are also covered by OHIP.

If your child sees any of the allied health providers from our Care Team, such as a dietician or a social worker, you can pay for their services through your private health insurance or self payment. Coaches and other physical activity experts are all self pay at this time.

What is lifestyle medicine?

Lifestyle medicine is an approach to healthcare that uses evidence-based lifestyle interventions to prevent, treat, and even reverse chronic diseases. The number of chronic conditions in the pediatric population is growing. Lifestyle medicine  recognizes that many of these conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, digital addictions, and headaches (to name a few) are strongly impacted by lifestyle factors, including diet, physical activity, stress management, sleep, and social support.

The core principles of lifestyle medicine work to empower parents and children to make healthy choices and adopt behaviours that promote overall well-being. Rather than relying only on medications, lifestyle medicine practitioners emphasize the importance of addressing the root causes of disease through lifestyle changes.

How do I get my child booked into the clinic?

All children must have a referral sent by their family doctor or pediatrician to RESET. Families will be contacted by the clinic to start the intake process.  

How can my physician send the referral?

All physicians can download the referral form from the Referral Form section of our website and fax it over with the appropriate, required information. Otherwise, our clinic can also email you the referral form to provide to your child’s physician.

Are there education and counselling support groups with RESET team members? Can we access these through OHIP, health insurance, or self pay?

Yes, if the team determines that your family or child may benefit from an education and counselling support group, you will be invited to join one.  Depending on the provider, you may access these groups through OHIP, health insurance, or self pay. 

Can I transfer my child to RESET for ongoing care and replace my current doctor? Are you my primary care provider?

No. We aim to work alongside your primary care physician to address the specific concern that brought your child to RESET. How long your child attends our clinic will depend on your child’s needs. 

How much notice do I need to give to cancel or change my appointment?

You must provide a minimum of 48-hour notice to the clinic to cancel or reschedule your appointment. 

Will there be a fee if I don’t cancel my appointment in time?

If an appointment is not cancelled or rescheduled more than 48 hours before the appointment a fee of $100 will be charged.

How should I prepare to get the most out of our initial appointment?

Before coming to the appointment, it is important that all forms and questionnaires are filled out and sent back by the due date requested. This gives the Care Team time to review your child’s medical history before the appointment. If the pre-appointment forms are not completed in time, your child’s appointment will be rescheduled or the referral may even be rejected.

Can my child join the group sessions even if they are not a Reset patient?

Absolutely! Our group sessions are open to everyone. However, Reset patients are given priority access when spots are limited.

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